Work With Me

“Suzanne was a God send for me! Working with her was so worth it! Her program was excellent!”
“The results I have achieved have massively impacted all areas of my life! It’s changed my life completely!”
“The whole experience was amazing! It was a lifetime investment in myself and one of the best things I have done in my life!”
“I was shocked by the positive results I have achieved!”
Rewire your brain, regulate your nervous system, elevate your energetic frequency and find your inner calm, overwhelmed mama.
I’ve got you.
The THRIVE program has been created specifically by a mum for other mums to effect lasting change from the inside out from the very first day.
Let me know if I’ve got this right…
- You feel like everything falls on your shoulders – family decisions, day-to-day organisation and of course your job or business. You’re actually getting resentful of over-giving, and asking for help is hard, but if you don’t do it – who will?
- That means you’re exhausted, often pouring from an empty cup, you’re snappy and feel like a bad mother and role model. You wish you were more tolerant and forgiving. Those around you deserve the best of you.
- You’ve been facing some long-term life challenges and they’ve taken a toll on you. It seems like there are no clear solutions or end in sight. It’s been a constant and never-ending slog and you can’t take much more.
- You often make unhealthy choices – reaching for the wine, smokes or a few too many chips, biscuits or chocolates. You know these quick fixes aren’t the right way to look after yourself long-term, the balance isn’t there and you’re ready for change.
Do you recognise yourself in my words?

Imagine If….
Imagine if you could sail through the stresses of the day without losing your temper, reaching for a bottle of wine or ending the collapsed on the sofa staring at Netflix.
Imagine if you were able to be more present in the moment, to be able to have fun with your kids and partner, be more tolerant and forgiving.
Wouldn’t it feel incredible to be calm and centered, making decisions with unwavering confidence and feeling unshakeable in your own self-assurance.
You’re no longer easily triggered and have let go of the past. Your anxiety about the future no longer exists.
You have no more worries or anxieties about what the future holds, as you are more grounded and engaged in the present moments of life, in what is truly happening and important in your life right now.
You’ve got resources at your fingertips to be able to manage your thoughts and emotions so you feel happier and healthier.
You’ve been able to embrace a life-changing transformation where you radiate positivity, exude confidence in your body, have more energy, and make empowered choices that propel you forward. This is the profound impact of investing in yourself. Your life will blooms with newfound vibrancy and vitality.
All your harmful habits have reduced or stopped entirely.
Maybe you’ve been able to quit smoking, or you’ve lost weight, or reduced your drinking.
You’re even sleeping better and your relationships and communication has improved.
The peace of mind that comes with that is priceless, wouldn’t you agree?

If you’d like to find out more, I’d love to introduce you to my program THRIVE, IN YOUR BODY, MIND AND LIFE.

THRIVE is based in hypnosis and uses the brain’s natural neuroplasticity to change, adapt and create new neural connections. You’ll be able to access deeper states of relaxation and healing which will help to promote a state of rest and recovery for you.
It’s not some woo-woo mumbo jumbo. It’s neuroplasticity and the parasympathetic nervous system. You’ve probably heard of it.
Studies have shown that the human brain has a remarkable ability to change and reorganise itself, with some researchers estimating that the brain can create up to 700 new neural connections per second through the process of neuroplasticity.
Within the THRIVE program we will:
T – Transform your triggers so you become aware of thoughts and situations that trigger you and change these triggers at the subconscious level to transform your life.
H – Heal harmful habits and hurt so you can break free from harmful self-talk, addictions and beliefs and replace them with positive, empowering, and supportive habits to transform your perception of self, others, and the world.
R – Release, reprogram, re-emerge so you can disconnect from past traumas, hurts and worries that no longer serve you and have kept you in survival mode. Reprogram your subconscious for empowerment and thriving. Re-emerge as a new you.
I – Ignite inner power and inner knowing and intuition so you can align with your truth, gain clarity, and receive help on your journey. Open up to calling in and receiving your heartfelt desires and dreams.
V – Vision, vitality and vibe Create daily healthy habits that support you, and a powerful vision for yourself so you gain control and balance in all areas of life. Increase your energetic vibe to improve your mood and attract the things you seek and desire to you more easily and effortlessly.
E – Embody and embrace your energy so you can create lasting balance and connection in all areas of life. Attract your heartfelt desires and create more physical energy. Learn to balance masculine and feminine energies
Introducing THRIVE
Are you ready to hear more?
No two clients are the same so there are no cookie-cutter approaches here. But here’s the journey we’ll go on together:
1) From Chaos to Calm: The Three Pillars of Transformation
Start your shift as soon as you’re ready with this short but powerful training to help you begin your transformational shift from a survival state of overwhelm, anxiety and stress to one where you can thrive, in mind, body and life.
First Pillar: you’ll start to discover what’s been holding you back from being able to shift so far and what’s been keeping you stuck and struggling in survival mode

Second Pillar: you’ll find out the three biggest common mistakes made when you’re in a survival state of stress, anxiety, overwhelm and how to avoid them

Third Pillar: I’ll give you the four secrets so you can shift from overwhelm and stress to calm, peace and feel relaxed in body mind and life

2) Raising Vibrations: Elevate Your Energetic Frequencies and Embrace New Energy
I’ll also teach you how the energies within you and the frequency/vibration of your emotions and thoughts impact your life, so you can start to bring awareness to our sessions.
Before we start coaching together I’ll also show you how to access your own boundless internal resources including your individual human energy field and your chakra energy system to shift negative thoughts and emotions as they come up and bring calm into your life on demand.

3) Time Line Therapy: Unlocking Your Subconscious Power for Emotional Freedom and Empowerment
Free yourself from negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and perceptions by working with your subconscious using Time Line Therapy.
We will:
- Release any negative emotions tied to past and future situations, allowing for more peace and calm in your daily life from this first session onwards.
- Reframe negative associations and personal meanings attached to memories, reducing stress and anxiety.
- Transform negative beliefs that limit you into positive affirming beliefs and bring in positive energy to your timeline, promoting feelings of empowerment and renewed vitality.
4) Subconscious Empowered Hypnotherapy Sessions
Over several life-transforming hypnotherapy sessions we’ll unlock the power of your mind to boost confidence, motivation and wellness for new habits that stick and feel good.
- Develop a stronger sense of self-confidence and motivation to overcome daily challenges and achieve your goals. You’ll rediscover your inner strength and resilience to overcome exhaustion and burnout.
- Release stress, anxiety, and negative emotions that have been weighing you down, and embrace healthier habits and choices with new tools and strategies to manage stress and enhance your physical and mental well-being.
- Address specific issues such as quitting smoking, binge eating, or drinking, and create a positive and lasting change in your life.

5) Thrive Mama: Nurturing Your Soul Within Through Empowering Self-Care and Life Design Exercises
Reconnect with yourself and create a thriving life in body, mind, and spirit. Through personalised coaching and support, you will learn how to prioritise your own needs without feeling guilty, rushed or selfish.
- Gain clarity on your current state of being and create a powerful vision for your future self. Using the self-care and life design workbook as a guide, you will reflect on your mental, emotional, and physical health, and what you want to achieve in the next 3, 6, and 12 months.
- Understand the factors that have contributed to your current state and what needs to change for you to thrive. By exploring this, you’ll gain vital insight into what has been holding you back and how to move forward with a new identity that aligns with your values and aspirations for the rest of your life.
- Develop practical tools and strategies for self-care and wellness so you can manage stress and overwhelm, and cultivate a positive mindset that supports your goals. As a result, you will feel empowered, rejuvenated, and ready to thrive in all areas of your life.

Access to various exercises and tools in the Thrive Resource Kit:
My personal exercise regime
Meal Eating Template, Strategy, Plan and Implementation
Exercise Template, Strategy, Plan and Implementation
Daily Template Planner
Weekly Template Planner
Life Design Workbook
Self Care Workbook

Hypnosis Audios
The brain is a pretty powerful thing but your subconscious mind can be a little stubborn sometimes, and it takes some work to get it on board with new habits and ways of thinking.
That’s why it’s important to keep working with your subconscious even after a hypnosis session. Listening to audio recordings in between sessions can help speed up the process of change and make it stick for the long term. The more you work with your brain and subconscious mind, the stronger those new habits and thoughts will become, and the more successful you’ll be. Your subconscious and conscious minds will be aligned with each other.

“I found the real me! I love me! and take time for me! I’m loving life! I’m healthy and happy! I now have no stress, have positive relationships, am healthy, calm, not tired, live a healthier lifestyle with better fitness.
Before meeting Suzanne I felt exhausted and always put myself last. I was having nightmares and even broke my wrist during a bad episode one night. I looked forward to the program with Suzanne every week and embraced the changes.
I now have a much greater knowledge and understanding of myself. It’s surreal being in different situations and handling them successfully. I have no nightmares at all.
Suzanne is lovely, calm, friendly and relaxed. She always engaged in our sessions and really does care.
The quality of her coaching and program is excellent – the whole experience was amazing! It’s an investment for the rest of your life and one of the best things I have ever done. Just do it!” Mel

“I used to feel overwhelmed and depressed. My biggest challenge was in managing my emotions.
I couldn’t focus and I was unmotivated. I tried to listen to music or surround myself with family and friends to laugh but it was all on the surface.
I wasn’t getting to the root cause of the issues. I knew I could move past my emotions but just needed the tools to be able to do that. I knew inside that I needed to do something to help myself.
Working with Suzanne helped me to shift my emotions and she gave me the tools to shift them, it has all helped give me peace and calm in times when life isn’t going the way I believe it should.
Suzanne’s whole program was enjoyable and helped me right away. It was very informative and the added audios were a great help when I found myself feeling low.
I always left feeling happier inside. Suzanne is easy to talk to.
She will help you get to where you want to be, so long as you are willing to change. Anyone feeling anxious, overwhelmed and depressed should do it to help themselves”. Cynthia

“I successfully quit smoking after the first two hour session!
After smoking for 20 years, burning through about 13 cigarettes a day, smoking costing me about $80 a week, and unsuccessfully trying to quit several times using various methods, I have never found anything to work quite like Suzanne’s Hypnotherapy program.
Smoking used to make me feel worthless; gave me no belief in myself; made me feel so fearful of getting cancer and dying plus being a burden on my husband and two young sons.
With Suzanne’s help, I have quit the cigarettes for good and have become a non-smoker.
I feel healthier, have more money, my relationship with my husband and kids has improved and I have so much more time on my hands to spend with them and to do the things I really want.
I am so happy that it has worked! The whole experience was enlightening, positive, calming, enjoyable and awesome! Give it a go!” Emma
Here’s The Thing……
I already know you put yourself last. Family, friends and work get all the attention and energy. It’s easier to buy your children new things than treat yourself. Aaaand there’ll always be “another time” to do that thing for yourself.
This might feel like a selfish investment. Spending this money “just” on yourself. Am I reading your mind right now?
Mama, here’s what I know to be true.
Your pain has become bigger than your problem and you’re SO done with that. You’re ready to feel better and you want change right now, not a moment longer.
You want more out of your life. You know it’s possible because you’ve seen others having and being more.
You want it so badly. It’s like a flicker of a fire burning inside of you. Let’s stoke that fire and get it burning so brightly that you become unstoppable.
When you’re in good mental, emotional and physical shape, you experience lower stress levels, your self- esteem is boosted, your emotions are more balanced, you think more clearly and focused and you’re able to respond rather than react.
With this program, you’re investing not only in your own health but that of your children’s health and their future. You become a happier more energetic mother and partner and a better role model for your kids.

When we work together this investment will repay you tenfold.
You deserve to prioritise your own well-being: As a busy mum, it’s easy to put your own needs last, but investing in yourself is a way to honour your own value and importance.
You will have more energy and vitality: When you’re constantly stressed and overwhelmed, it’s hard to find the energy to do the things you love. By reducing stress and finding more balance in your life, you’ll have more energy for the things that matter most to you.
You will improve your relationships: When you’re less stressed and more centred, you’ll be better equipped to communicate effectively and connect with your loved ones on a much deeper level.
You will become a better role model for your children: By taking care of yourself, you’ll be modeling healthy habits and behaviours for your children, helping them to grow into emotionally balanced and resilient adults.
You will gain clarity, focus and have a greater connection with God, higher self, higher power, creator (whatever your belief) and with yourself: When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be hard to know where to focus your time and energy. Together we can help you clarify your priorities and make more informed decisions.
You will learn powerful tools for managing stress: Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it’s how we manage it that makes all the difference. With my help, you’ll learn techniques for managing stress and finding calm even in the midst of chaos.
You will improve your physical health: Chronic stress takes a toll on your body, leading to a host of physical symptoms and health problems. By reducing stress, you’ll improve your overall health and well-being.
You will increase your self-confidence: When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it’s easy to doubt yourself and your abilities. By investing in yourself, you’ll build your self-confidence and trust in your own abilities.
You will gain a sense of control over your life: When life feels chaotic and out of control, it’s easy to feel helpless and overwhelmed but our work together can help you regain a sense of control over your life and your choices.
You will create a more fulfilling life and be so much more positive about what the future holds: By reducing stress and finding more balance in your life, you’ll be able to focus on the things that truly matter to you, creating a more fulfilling and satisfying life for yourself and your family.
If that all sounds a bit too hard to believe, here’s what Selene and Jyotika had to say about our work together….

“Suzanne’s program changed my life completely!
I live in the now and enjoy the beauty of each day. I feel I’m finally equipped and ready for what life throws at me. I’m happy and have belief in myself. I feel like I have tools to tackle life’s challenges and that I am ok.
Prior to working with Suzanne, I used to be depressed; had no self worth; and didn’t think I was worth existing. I had hate towards myself and felt broken. As a result I took anti-depressants and had seen multiple psychologists over the past 8 years.
Working with Suzanne gave me insight on how to cope with life and how to look at situations in the now and be positive. Plus it gave me different perspectives on how to look at problems.
Suzanne is lovely, professional, very caring and supportive. I feel lucky to have found her.
The whole experience was life changing. I can never thank her enough for giving me my life back!” Selene

“I used to feel awful and hopeless everyday. This resulted in me regularly binge eating and having negative thoughts. My self esteem was low and I had gained weight. I was spiraling out of control and it had impacting my weight.
I tried many things like dieting and the Noom program and app but I talked myself out of things a lot. That’s when I changed and contacted Suzanne and began working with her in her program.
Although I was unsure and skeptical at first, I was very shocked by the positive results I received!
Suzanne helped me to identify the thoughts that got me to the point of being out of control.
I no longer binge eat or dwell on the negatives. I have a positive outlook on life and my health has improved. I am a lot more confident and have come to terms with my past which has helped me immensely. I feel like I can carry out and achieve the goals I want to achieve.
During Suzanne’s program you learn and apply so much. If you put in the work, Suzanne will help you achieve your goals and is on your side. She is very thoughtful, careful and validating as well as being warm and kind too.
Suzanne showed personal care towards me and my problems and remembered even the little things about me. She is great and also very knowledgeable.
Suzanne and her program changes your perspectives and beliefs in yourself.” Jyotika
Are you truly ready to take control of your life and health, stand in your own personal power and claim a life that nourishes your soul and where you can fully experience and live out your heartfelt desires, wants and dreams?
It all starts with a simple chat.

Would You Rather?
Would you rather carry on feeling overwhelmed, stressed to the max and resentful, even though you know there’s a better way? Or would you rather take decisive action towards creating more calm in your brain and body so you can live life as the person you know you truly can be.
Would you rather read another self-help book, join another Facebook group, where all people say is “you got this, hun” (zero transformative change there!) or fall exhausted onto the sofa yet again… Or would you rather have one-to-one support with someone who’s been right where you are, and a proven way of working with your subconscious mind to effect permanent positive change from the very first session?
You already know all of this is possible for others. And it can be for you as well. This work is easy, powerful and FUN!

Why is hypnosis so effective?
Hypnosis is effective because it helps people tap into their subconscious minds, where many of our beliefs, emotions, and behaviors are stored. By accessing the subconscious, hypnosis can help create positive changes in a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis works by inducing a trance-like state in which the person is highly relaxed and focused. In this state, the subconscious mind becomes more open to suggestion, allowing the hypnotherapist to help the person make positive changes. No, I will not be asking you to do a chicken-dance – that’s not how hypnosis really works!
Is hypnosis safe?
Yes, hypnosis is generally considered safe when performed by a trained professional. It is important to note that hypnosis is not mind control and you will always be in control of your thoughts and actions even under hypnosis.
What does hypnosis work on?
Hypnosis can work on a wide range of issues, including anxiety, stress, phobias, smoking cessation, weight loss, and more. Contact me to find out whether I can help you.
Is there anything that hypnosis doesn’t work on?
While hypnosis can be effective for many issues, it is not a cure-all and may not work for everyone. Additionally, it is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment. Contact me to find out whether I can help you.
Will hypnosis work on me?
Hypnosis can work for most people, but it ultimately depends on the individual and their willingness to engage in the process. Contact me to find out whether I can help you.
How many sessions will it take?
The number of sessions needed varies from person to person and depends on the issue being addressed. Some people may see results after just one session, while others may need several. Contact me to find out whether I can help you.
How long does it last?
The effects of hypnosis can last for varying amounts of time depending on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some people may experience long-lasting results, while others may need to return for maintenance sessions.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Hypnosis feels different for everyone, but it is often described as a highly relaxed and focused state. Some people may feel a sense of weightlessness or detachment from their surroundings.
What is Time Line Therapy and how does it work?
Time Line Therapy is a technique that involves exploring a person’s timeline of past experiences and emotions to help them release negative emotions and limiting beliefs. It works by helping the person access and reprogram their subconscious mind to create positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
What is neuroplasticity and how does it work?
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experiences and learning. It works by creating new neural pathways in the brain, allowing for new behaviors, thoughts, and emotions to develop. Hypnosis and other forms of therapy can help facilitate neuroplasticity by helping people create new patterns of thinking and behaviour.
Meet Suzanne Shoesmith, the founder of the “THRIVE – In Your Body, Mind and Life” program.
As an NLP Coach, Time Line Therapist and Hypnotherapist, I’m passionate about helping busy working mums to overcome anxiety, overwhelm, stress, lack of confidence/motivation, and self-doubt.
I want that process of transformation to be easy, powerful and FUN. After all, life is already busy and stressful enough.
I help mums achieve happiness, health, calm, relax, peace of mind, confidence, and self-belief, allowing them to be both amazing mothers and role models to their kids.
I’ve personally faced anxiety, stress, lack of confidence, and self-doubt due to my mother’s illness and death. It led me to develop overwhelming fear and anxiety about my own health and life.
My family’s financial difficulties resulting from my husband’s injury and employment woes, also impacted my mental and emotional health, as you can imagine!
So I went on a journey of self-learning and education and I discovered that stress and negative emotions were major factors in the onset of cancer. Of course, that motivated me to make positive changes in my life.
And when I witnessed how the financial stresses affected the relationship between my husband and I and our kids, it made me realise that I was causing a lot of my own mental and emotional struggles through my mindset which was making me react in ways I didn’t like!
I even saw the same struggles my husband was causing in himself and I later finally understood why my mother acted and behaved like she did, especially towards my father, because of her own personal internal struggles she wasn’t dealing with.
My light bulb moment came when I had the powerful realisation that, I, alone was the one thing that could make me know that my health, life, and family would all be okay.
I already had that power within me and you do too.
I now help other mums discover their own light bulb moment, be happy, healthy, confident, calm and full of self-belief – to allow them to be amazing mothers and role models to their kids, whilst living a life with her family that is of their heartfelt desires, wants and dreams. We can easily do all of this transformative work together through NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy.